Thursday, January 31, 2013

Return on Investment on Real Estate over Time

So what is the return on investment of real estate compared to other investments like the Dow, the S&P, and the NASDAQ. Now after the fiscal cliff has been averted, we are going to probably see some jump up in the Dow, S&P, and the NASDAQ.  But we can still see - if we go all the way back to January 2000 and compare it to January 2013 - thirteen years later, we can see that the investment in real estate, in this country - through these crazy time - was better than investing in any of the stock markets.

The Rate of Return for Major Stock Markets January 2000 to 2013

Annual Appreciation of Homes January 2000 to 2013

Know that over time in this country,  real estate has always been a great investment.  Maybe not short term - from 2006 to 2012, but over the long term real estate has always been a great investment.  Any we are starting to see prices picking up.

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